Fredag 6 december

Oj vad vinden har tagit i idag! Det har kommit så mycket snö bara på en natt, precis som jag önskat mig! Trots att det blåser mycket så är det ingen fara med mig, jag står stadigt här.

Man känner att julen börjar närma sig. Hur kommer ni fira i år?
Har ni sett att under hela december har ni chans att få veta om hur julen firades av fångar och personal under 1930-talet på gamla fängelset i Gävle. Det är mina grannar, Sveriges Fängelsemuseum, som berättar om det.

Nu har Lillebrorsan tjatat på mig i några dagar om att jag skulle visa upp honom lite mera och det är bäst att jag gör som han säger. Ni vet ju hur det är med syskon ibland! :)

Trevlig helg på er mina vänner!

My little brother is keeping telling me to show his pictures more, he wants some attention too. So I'd better listen and do as he says, you know how it can be with siblings sometimes :)

You can say that Christmas is closer now. How are you going to celebrate it?
Have you seen that during the whole december you can visit my neighbours, Swedish Prison Museum, and learn about how the prisoners and stuff had it during Christmas and celebrated it in the 1930's?

Today is windy and it has come so much snow only during one night, exactly as I've wished for! Allthough the weather is so windy I am standing steady here so don't worry about me!

Have a fantastic weekend my friends!

1 kommentar:

  1. Thank you so much for showing us pictures of your little brother. He looks so nice standing in the snow with a nice covering of snow on his body. The web cam does not show that it is windy there in Gavle, but I'm glad that you are not bothered by it. You are so big and strong that the wind cannot blow you away!

    Vivian in Georgia USA
