Hej igen.
Det har gått alldeles för lång tid sedan mitt senaste inlägg. Jag har haft fullt upp med att värja mig från mordbrännare. Tre attacker som mina vakter har stoppat. Jag har också delat ut pizza från Australien till mina vakter. Jag har varit med på mängder av selfies. Och så har jag försökt att sammanställa topp-tio-listan som ni har lämnat så bra bidrag till. Kort sagt. Jag har haft fullt upp.
Men nu, utan några fler dröjsmål eller ursäkter, här kommer min och er "Topp-tio-värsta-sångerna-någonsin-för-halmbockar".
1 "Watch it burn" av Camo och Krooked. Att inte hjälpa till är också att synda...
2 "Crash and burn" av Savage Garden. Hemska minnen, jag har både brunnit och blivit påkörd om ni minns...
3 "Set the world on fire" av E-type. Hemsk text. Eld är aldrig bra. Mycket eld är aldrig bättre.
4 "Let it burn" av Avatar. Så får man bara inte säga!
5 "Burning love" av Elvis Presley. Kan man verkligen älska eld? Kluvna känslor här...
6 "Burn MF" av Five finger death punch. Svordomar och eld i samma mening. Otäckt.
7 "Burn with me" av Avarante. En mening som jag aldrig skulle kunna ta i min mun.
8 "Burn it up all night" av Sweet Talker. Om det ska brinna, så låt det snälla gå fort.
9 "Burn it to the ground" av Nickelback. Stopp! Ta tillbaka varje ord!
10 "In flames you burn" av Dream Evil. Snälla, sluta nu....
Hi everybody!
It's been way too long since my last blogpost. But I've been pretty busy you know. I've been under attack three times, but my guards repelled every attack. Valiant knights! I've also delivered pizza from my fans "down under" and in the U.S.A. Rather time-consuming, but great fun. I've also posed for a great many goatselfies. And on top of all that I've tried to put together my "Top-ten-list-of-worst-songs-ever-for-strawgoats".
So, without any further delay, here it is!
1 "Watch it burn" by Camo och Krooked. Not aiding strawgoats in need is a sin. A deadly sin if you ask me.
2 "Crash and burn" by Savage Garden. Awful memories. I've been burned to the ground way to many times, and also victim of a hit and run if you recall...
3 "Set the world on fire" by E-type. Horrible lyrics. Fire is bad. A world on fire is even worse.
4 "Let it burn" by Avatar. Mind your language!!!
5 "Burning love" by Elvis Presley. Is it possible to combine those words, really?!
6 "Burn MF" by Five finger death punch. Cursed words and damned fire, all in one sentence. Ban it!
7 "Burn with me" by Avarante. I can't even imagine to use those words at the same time...
8 "Burn it up all night" by Sweet Talker. IF fire i required, please let it end quickly!
9 "Burn it to the ground" by Nickelback. Stop! Take it back. Every word and syllable!
10 "In flames you burn" by Dream Evil. Please, just stop. Enough!
Yay!! It is so nice to hear from you again! Sounds like to have a very busy life -- even though you seem to stand so still and majestic in the Square. I do not really like your list of songs about burning. It would be nice to get a list of love and comfort songs at Christmas. Take care, sweet Gavlebocken and let us hear from you again soon.
SvaraRaderaVivian in Georgia USA
Hello and Congratulations for "staying alive"...!!!
SvaraRaderaActually first time I see You standing up and proud.
Merry Christmas Greetings from Nagu, Finland
Thank you to the officials in Gavle who made sure that the Gavlebocken was safe and standing majestically through Christmas!! It was a great pleasure for me in the USA to be able to wake up this Christmas morning and see that all is well in Gavle.
SvaraRaderaVivian in Georgia USA
SvaraRaderaFor some reason, some folks just never seem to grow up!
SvaraRaderaVivian in Georgia USA
We agree with Vivian, some people like fire too much. And indeed thanks Gavle officials for keeping the Bocken whole and healthy. The song "I'm still standing" comes to mind to start a possible positive song list. So you go to China later, Bocken?
SvaraRaderaEllen & Jim in Ontario, Canada
merry xmas!
SvaraRaderaGoing with Ellen's theme for positive songs, I suggest Heal the World (Michael Jackson). That's something our Gavlebocken tries to do during the Christmas season.
SvaraRaderaJohnny Cash "Ring of Fire"!
SvaraRaderaArthur Brown "Fire"!